Part 1 interview

Eileen Musico
2 min readMay 21, 2021

Transcribed interview Jordan Epp (Siena college student)

Interview was done in person so I transcribed while he spoke but it is recorded as well

Eileen: How has Covid-19 affected your college experience being a junior at Siena college?

Jordan: Its made it harder to spend time with my friends a lot of my classes are online and are not being offered in person so I struggle to go outside and leave my dorm room the food options are extremely limited and I’m not eating as nearly as much as I used to because of covid and it makes me tired and I have to wear a mask around campus and it fogs up my glasses in class

E: How was testing positive for covid handled by the school?

J: They asked if I could go somewhere and I said that I could stay at my house and that seemed to be fine but my friend had a very tough time as he did not have a place to go and was almost forced to drive home 2 hours at 10 pm didn’t really offer me any options i would consider myself lucky since i live close and had a place to go

E: How has the dining/ food situation changed on campus?

J: Due to covid all of the food options are not available after 10pm and the food options typically aren’t open during the times I eat, for example being Bernies and the C-store not being open in the middle of the day when I want to eat. I don’t have any meal swipes so if I want to eat I have to get the same thing form Bernie’s everyday or walk across campus it just sucks no options

E: How do you feel about returning to campus in the fall?

J: Excited, I don’t like living at home, I like living on campus.

E: What’s the most bizarre thing you experienced while being on campus relating back to certain covid restrictions such as not being able to eat with your friends without a divider at the dining hall?

J: Public safety acts like they have all the power and think they are the CDC and will do anything to get you in trouble. I got fined 150 dollars for not going to my covid test and they care more about drinking then spreading covid.



Eileen Musico

Hi my name is Eileen Musico I am from Woodbury New York. My favorite color would have to be lime green. I can’t wait to hopefully explore the world one day.