Eileen Musico
2 min readMar 1, 2021

Ghazal’s Rhythmic Form

What I found most compelling in the text “Ghazal: To Be Teased into DisUnity” were the strict guidelines that one must follow in order to excel at writing this form of poetry. Although the Ghazal form of poetry has a long lasting history it is sill able to tie into modern forms of poetry as well. When it comes to rhyme and repetition this is not only common in poetry, but in many songs also you will notice this common theme. The rules and guidelines seem strict when trying to formulate a Ghazal Poem but “… the poets follow an inner ear rather than any clearly established rules, as in English” (Ali 210). Due to the Ghazal’s rhythmic form this poem is usual sung which helps tie it into modern poetic forms as well. I think that Repetition probably plays the strongest roles within these poems. Not only is there constant repetition in the poem, but if it is performed the audience will echo the speakers word as well. “This back and forth creates an immensely seductive tension because everyone is waiting to see how the suspense will be resolved in terms of the scheme established in the opening couplet” (Ali 213). The word freedom is also commonly expressed when it come to writing Ghazal styled poems, however it doesn’t seem as free as others might think due to its basic guidelines. Maybe this idea of ‘freedom’ can reflect back on most peoples personal lives as well.


Shahid Ali, Agha. “Ghazal: To Be Teased into DisUnity.” An Exaltation on Forms: Contemporary Poets Celebrate the Diversity of Their Art. Edited by Annie Finch and Katherine Varnes. U of Michigan P, 2002, pp. 217–222.

Eileen Musico
Eileen Musico

Written by Eileen Musico

Hi my name is Eileen Musico I am from Woodbury New York. My favorite color would have to be lime green. I can’t wait to hopefully explore the world one day.

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